Do you want access an optimal state of consciousness where you feel and perform your best?

It is called the ‘FLOW STATE’

If you struggle with distractions, productivity and managing your inner state, I would be happy to help you take your power back by accessing FLOW STATE. All you must do is subscribe to my email list and you will receive a 16-page Workbook on Flow, that includes a ‘HOW TO’ caffeine shortcut to access ‘FLOW STATE’.

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Why you want FLOW state

In FLOW state you perform and feel your best. It’s as if you as a person dissolve and all your focus is on the task ahead. Your consciousness widens and let’s you find solutions that you would not have access to otherwise.

Other terms used to describe FLOW STATE’

  • ‘Runner’s high’
  • ‘Being in the zone’
  • ‘Being unconscious’ in basketball terms
  • ‘Being in the pocket’ for a jazz musician
  • ‘Forever box’ in stand-up comedy

Mind hacks

• Feel moments of rapt attention and total absorption in which you focus on the task or activity.
• Your sense of self begins to disappear.
• Your ego's need to perform escapes your present awareness.
• Action and awareness start to merge.


Imagine what would be possible if you are no longer the problem?

Imagine how you would be able to show up and serve those you love if you lived in your complete power. No more doubt, hesitation, and worry!


Research shows that people in flow are five times more productive is 500% more effective. That means you can go to work on Monday, take Tuesday to Friday off, and still get as much done as your steady-state peers. Two days a week in Flow, you are 1000% more productive than the competition.


Imagine feeling a level of energy that you never felt before. It comes from understanding the four stages of FLOW. This is the pathway to optimal health, wellbeing, and productivity. Like I said it is an optimal state of consciousness where you feel and perform your best.

Adrien is a former NHL hockey player and a silver medalist at the 1992 Olympics in Albertville with the Canadian men’s hockey team.

He was part of several championship teams throughout his career. Adrien achieved that level of performance with anxiety. He knew intuitively that this limited his progress and ability to become a world-class hockey player.

In 1992, at twenty-two, he performed at a level he hadn’t experienced before when he returned from the Olympics. In the words of his former Russian teammate Igor Larionov who was part of the famous KLM line, “Adrien performed at a world-class level in the 1992 playoffs for the Vancouver Canucks”. Adrien describes this state as two steps ahead of the game, instantaneously seeing the right option.

It was a struggle to consistently attain this level of performance throughout the rest of his career; that is WHY his mission is to support others to access this optimal state of consciousness where you feel and perform your best. This state is called ‘FLOW’!

Meet Adrien

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